When you live in the grape belt, deadlines and schedules not associated with harvesting become a little hazy during harvest season. The wiring for my batch freezer was scheduled to be done yesterday. Except that the electrician is also a grape farmer. And his turn to pick is well, yesterday until they're done. While this was disappointing for a new business owner wound with excitement to get started, I can appreciate the bigger picture here. The anticipation just grows. Not a bad thing:).

While I was out this evening I spotted a grape picker in action. I had been hoping to get some pics of this! So I pulled over and wandered toward the crew....really hoping they wouldn't be irritated I was hanging around. They got closer and I could hear the kids chattering, "who the heck is that?", "I don't know.." And so on. I made eye contact with one of the guys driving a smaller tractor, walked over and asked if it was okay to take pictures to use on my website. He said, "no problem" and then asked what my website was for. I explained that I was making homemade ice cream using the local farmer's produce and just thought it would be cool to get some pics of them in action. He seemed pleased to hear this. A few minutes later one of the younger girls came up to me with her hands on her hips and said, " I hear you're making ice cream." Almost better be! I assured her I was.

I did my best to stay out of the way of the moving equipment. As I was waiting for them to get ready for the next row one of the crew asked if I'd like to ride atop the grape picker. Um, ya!!! So I climbed aboard and hung out with the driver, Charlie Rahal for a bit. We had never met before but became quick friends when I told him my plan to make ice cream. I thanked him heartily and promised to bring him some once I was producing. Thank you to all of the crew who were so kind and generous! I enjoyed watching them enjoy their work. I love my new job!!!

Karey Elliott